Since the pandemic, buying things online has since become the new norm. The question was is it ok buying tires online as well? This review shows my personal experience of buying tires online via the Lazada platform. As previously shown from the review of the 225/55 R19 Toyo Proxes R46, it was time to search for a new tire as the tread depth has gotten dangerously low. After looking into various options, the decision was between Primacy SUV vs UC6 SUV. Considering the slight drawback in wet braking and much stronger performance in dry braking & comfort against Primacy SUV, I decided to go with Continental’s Ultra Contact 6 SUV.

Once the specific product was decided, I started doing some price survey around my neighborhood area & I got quoted roughly around RM 800 for a piece of UC6 SUV. Looking at our own web crawler price table as a comparison a 225/55 R19 UC6 SUV only cost RM 658. Hence if you are changing only 2 tires like what I am lookin for, it would be an instant saving of close to RM 300 ! Hence the main dilemma is between proximity vs RM300 and I chose the latter.

The purchasing process was actually quite simple. By clicking the link above, I was directly redirected to the Lazada buying page of UC6 SUV which is sold by Performance Tyre Malaysia. By clicking on the correct tire size and & installation method you will be able to check out via the standard process of Lazada.

Once your payment has been confirmed, Performance Tyre Malaysia will contact you to make an appointment within 2 hours. I got my appointment confirmed within an 1 hour time as they have contacted me through whatsapp. The only issue is that you have to visit their workshop which is located in Shah Alam Seksyen 15. This was one of the trade off if the place is far away from your home.
So on a fine Friday morning, I venture on a mission to change my tires. The shop location was easily found via GPS and the shop was extremely huge. It has a signed board with Tyre Plus name on it and it has a huge warehouse area full of rims and tires. So armed with my order number, I registered myself and provided my car keys to the staff.
The car was initially mounted on the service deck while the staff took out all 4 wheels. The air from the front 2 tires were released and the tire was demounted from the rim. Out came the new UC6 SUV and ka ching ! the tire was installed. You can find the detail UC6 SUV specs which was fitted as below:
DOT: 4921 (8 weeks old tire) 🙂
Manufactured plant: 1Y6 , Alor Setar, Malaysia
Certificates: SNI (Indonesia) & E4 (Europe)
Tread: 1 Polyester, 2 Steel, 1 Nylon
Sidewall: 2 Polyester.
I was extremely pleased that I was able to get a very new tire (8 weeks old) which was the best I could really hoped for. There were not visual defects that I could observed and the mounting process went at a very fast interval.
Bottom left: Air in the tire is being released & the tire is demounted from the rim
Top left: Car being setup for alignment
Top right: Sensors being installed on the tire to provide alignment feedback.
The last part of the journey involves doing tire balancing & alignment of the vehicle. Some time during the manufacturing process, the tires while in rotation are not perfectly round. Hence in order to compensate this imperfection, the tires are mounted with weights pre-calculated by a rotating sensor to offset this imbalanced. Once this is done, the car undergoes the final alignment check to ensure all vehicle’s camber & toe angle meet the car manufacturer’s specification.
Price per tire : RM 658 (225/55R19- UC6 SUV)
Balancing cost : RM 15 per tire
Alignment: RM 45.
Total time: Less than 2 hours.
Satisfaction: Very happy, especially getting such a new tire.
Overall, it was a pleasant experience from purchasing the tire online to the installment of the tires at the workshop. With such competitive prices and good customer service, I will definitely recommend my friends to try it out.