Top Tire Review

Best Winter Tires (from a Winter Tire Engineer perspective)

Best Winter TiresBest Winter Tires

Best Winter Tires: An Insight from a Winter Tire Engineer –>When the mercury dips below 7°C (around 45°F), the difference between an ordinary tire and a specialized winter tire becomes strikingly apparent. If you live in key areas in the USA, such as the snowy landscapes of the Midwest, the frosty stretches of the Northeast, or the chilly terrains of the Rocky Mountains, the switch to winter tires isn’t just a recommendation – it’s an absolute necessity.

Drawing upon my extensive 5-year experience in the winter tire research & development department, I’ve delved deep into the engineering, design, and performance of various tires to determine the best ones available in the market. This article leverages that hands-on knowledge to guide you in making an informed choice for safe and optimal winter driving. Let’s tread into the world of winter tires, as seen through the eyes of an expert.

Unraveling the Types of Winter Tires: A Comprehensive Overview

Navigating through the plethora of winter tire options can be a daunting task. Depending on the region and severity of winter conditions you encounter, the choice of tire can significantly impact both your safety and driving experience. Let’s delve into three prominent types of winter tires, each tailored for distinct winter terrains and temperatures.

Studded vs Snow vs Middle Europe Winter tires

Snow/Studless/Nordic Tires:

Studded Tires:

Middle European Tires:

Each type of tire has its unique strengths, tailored to specific winter conditions. By understanding these differences, you can make an informed decision that matches your regional needs, ensuring safer and smoother winter drives.

Snow/Studless/Nordic vs. Studded Tires: Finding the Perfect Match for U.S. Winter Roads

Snow/Studless/Nordic vs. Studded Tires

Selecting the best winter tire is pivotal for safe and smooth driving during the colder months. While both snow/studless and studded tires boast the Three-Peak Mountain Snowflake (3PMSF) symbol – an assurance of performance in severe snow conditions – their designs, performance metrics, and regulatory considerations differ. Dive in as we unravel these distinctions, ensuring you make a well-informed choice.

Design and Construction:

Snow/Studless/Nordic: These are crafted with a pliable rubber compound coupled with distinctive tread patterns, guaranteeing superior traction on both snow and ice. Their treads house a multitude of sipes (tiny slits), pivotal for gripping the roadway and adeptly channeling out water or slush. Relying exclusively on their rubber composition and tread architecture, studless tires are champions of winter performance.

Studded Tires: These come fortified with metal studs integrated into the tread. These studs amplify traction on icy terrains and compacted snow, refining braking and maneuverability. The studs’ pronounced edges and durable material enable them to penetrate icy expanses, proffering unmatched grip in specific scenarios.


Snow/studless tires consistently deliver commendable traction across diverse winter terrains. Conversely, when faced with sheer ice, studded tires steal the spotlight. Their metal studs furnish remarkable ice grip, curtailing stopping distances and magnifying vehicular control. Yet, on drier or damp roads, studded variants might trail behind in grip and might be a tad noisier than their studless peers.

Recommended Reads:

Regulatory Considerations:

In the U.S., the usage of studded tires is subjected to state-specific regulations. States like Oregon, Washington, and Alaska permit their use during specific winter months, whereas others might impose restrictions or outright bans due to the wear and tear they can inflict on roadways. Snow/studless tires, in contrast, generally face minimal restrictions and are ubiquitously endorsed throughout the nation.


Your preference between snow/studless and studded tires should resonate with your unique requirements, prevailing driving terrains, and local regulatory landscape. While studless tires stand out as a versatile contender for a spectrum of winter scenarios and enjoy widespread acceptance, studded variants could be your ace in the hole when skating on treacherous ice patches, provided local guidelines are in favor.

Snow/Studless/Nordic tires

1. Continental Viking Contact 7

Continental Viking Contact 7

The Continental Viking Contact 7: A Premier Choice for U.S. Winter Roads

The Continental Viking Contact 7 has carved a name for itself as a leading contender in the Snow/Studless tire category, becoming a go-to for U.S. drivers braving harsh winter conditions below -10°C (14°F). Its exemplary performance hasn’t gone unnoticed, as evidenced by its repeated acclamation in renowned tire test publications, especially within the Nordic region. There, it has outshone its rivals in 24 of the 27 press tests over the past five years. A glimpse at the Viking Contact 7’s commendations include:


The secret behind the Viking Contact 7’s acclaim stems from its unparalleled prowess on icy and snowy terrains. It’s a standout option for locales such as Minnesota or Michigan, where stringent winter conditions are the norm. The tire’s capacity to deliver peak performance in bone-chilling temperatures sans studs is especially advantageous in states that have regulatory stipulations around studded tire usage.

However, it’s pivotal to underscore the Viking Contact 7’s relative shortcoming in aquaplaning scenarios. Balancing optimal wet and icy performances often poses a challenge in the Snow/Studless tire domain. Yet, Continental’s continuous strides with the Viking Contact 7 exemplify their dedication to spearheading advancements and ensuring top-tier standards in this specialized segment.

For U.S. drivers questing for a tried-and-true winter tire that can face down the nation’s rigorous winter spells, the Continental Viking Contact 7 emerges as a prime candidate. Its illustrious history in various evaluations, combined with its adeptness on snow and ice, solidifies it as an elite pick for navigating America’s icy roads and byways.

Check out our head to head comparison of Viking Contact 7 against its competitors.

Viking Contact 7 vs


2. Michelin X-Ice SNOW

Michelin X-Ice SNOW

Rising to challenge the lauded Continental Viking Contact 7, Michelin unveiled the X-Ice Snow, a fresh player in the Snow/Studless winter tire arena. Debuted in 2020, the X-Ice Snow was eagerly anticipated, marking a significant evolution eight years since its predecessor’s introduction. Its proficiency on icy and snowy terrains solidifies it as another top choice for U.S. motorists in the hunt for steadfast winter tires.

While the X-Ice Snow hasn’t accumulated accolades quite to the extent of the Continental Viking Contact 7, its ice and snow capabilities are praiseworthy. It emerges as a worthy alternative, especially in states like Minnesota or Michigan where winter driving demands uncompromising tire performance. It’s worth noting, however, that the X-Ice Snow, similar to its Continental counterpart, faces certain challenges in wet conditions. This compromise often arises in Snow/Studless tire designs, where priority leans towards snow and ice grip rather than wet surface handling. Nevertheless, the X-Ice Snow stands tall in the winter tire market, providing American drivers with another reputable choice for their cold-weather ventures.

In summation, the Michelin X-Ice Snow presents a compelling counterpart to the Continental Viking Contact 7 for U.S. drivers eyeing reliable winter tires. Both showcase strengths in icy and snowy conditions, but also share certain vulnerabilities on wet roads. It’s imperative for motorists to assess their distinct needs and the specificities of their driving terrain when navigating the Snow/Studless winter tire landscape.

Check our head to head comparison of X-Ice Snow against its competitors.

X-Ice Snow vs


3. Bridgestone Blizzak WS90

Bridgestone Blizzak WS90

In 2019, Bridgestone launched the Blizzak WS90, succeeding the well-received 2014 Blizzak WS80. This fresh addition serves a wide spectrum of passenger and SUV tires, affording U.S. drivers a multifaceted choice for their winter travels. While the Blizzak WS90 might not clinch top marks in ice and snow traction when juxtaposed with heavyweights like the Continental Viking Contact 7 and Michelin X-Ice Snow, its prowess in wet conditions heralds it as a holistic solution for America’s varied winter landscapes.


The standout wet performance of the Blizzak WS90 differentiates it from many Snow/Studless winter tires, which can falter on wet terrains due to a predominant design emphasis on ice and snow traction. In areas of the U.S. that grapple with a medley of snowy, icy, and wet winter conditions—like the Pacific Northwest—the Blizzak WS90 proffers a balanced alternative. While it may not ascend to the pinnacle in terms of ice and snow mastery, its aptitude in wet conditions makes it a commendable choice for U.S. drivers aiming for a well-rounded winter tire. The Blizzak WS90 curates a comprehensive offering for those navigating a spectrum of winter challenges, delivering adept performance across ice, snow, and wet terrains to ensure a secure and smooth ride.

In essence, the Bridgestone Blizzak WS90 emerges as a diverse and balanced pick for U.S. winter roads. It might not eclipse the top-tier competition in sheer ice and snow grip but redeems itself with unmatched wet performance. U.S. motorists ought to weigh their specific driving scenarios and needs when deliberating between the Blizzak WS90, Continental Viking Contact 7, and Michelin X-Ice Snow for optimal winter tire selection.

Check our head to head comparison of Bridgestone Blizzak WS90 against its competitors.

Bridgestone Blizzak WS90 vs


4. Nokian Hakkapeliitta R5

Nokian Hakkapeliitta R5

Debuted in 2022, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R5 swiftly earned its stripes as a stellar winter tire, showcasing remarkable proficiency in objective ice, snow, rolling resistance, and noise/comfort. However, potential buyers should be cognizant of its limited performance in subjective ice scenarios and wet and dry handling. Still, the Hakkapeliitta R5 stands as a compelling choice for U.S. motorists in search of a winter tire that emphasizes both comfort and efficiency while maintaining formidable grip in severe conditions.

As a Snow/Studless tire, the Hakkapeliitta R5 aligns with many U.S. states’ guidelines concerning studded tire utilization. Its top-tier performance in objective ice and snow terrains renders it apt for regions like Minnesota or Michigan, where rigorous winter driving conditions necessitate resilient tire performance. Additionally, its standout rolling resistance and noise/comfort characteristics render it a prime pick for drivers who prize a serene and seamless journey during colder months.


Yet, it’s pivotal for potential purchasers to note the ongoing scarcity of Nokian tires, an aftermath of the Ukraine conflict affecting Nokian’s manufacturing hub in Russia. This limited supply might influence the accessibility of the Hakkapeliitta R5 and other Nokian tire variants in the U.S. market, possibly constricting options for consumers.

To encapsulate, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R5 is a top-tier winter tire, adeptly merging superior ice and snow traction with unparalleled comfort and efficiency. U.S. drivers angling for a winter tire encompassing these traits should have the Hakkapeliitta R5 on their radar, all the while being alert to potential procurement challenges stemming from external disruptions.

Check our head to head comparison of Hakkapeliitta R5 against its competitors.

Hakkapeliitta R5 vs


Studded tires

1. Nokian Hakkapeliitta 10

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 10

Unveiled in 2021, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 10 has solidified its position as an innovative studded winter tire, redefining benchmarks in performance and safety. With its unparalleled traction and handling across diverse terrains—be it ice, snow, wet, or dry—the Hakkapeliitta 10 has swiftly ascended as the go-to tire for motorists navigating challenging winter terrains. Its commendable noise performance, even with studs, further assures a serene driving ambiance. Benchmark tests clearly place the Hakkapeliitta 10 a cut above its contemporaries, crowning it the pinnacle choice for those scouting for an elite studded winter tire.


Sporting studs, the Hakkapeliitta 10 offers an unmatched grip on icy terrains and compacted snow, exponentially amplifying vehicular control and ensuring safety. However, it’s essential for prospective buyers in the U.S. to acquaint themselves with regional regulations concerning studded tires. Different states have distinct guidelines, with some allowing their usage only during specific winter months, while others impose restrictions or outright bans.

Regulations aside, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 10 stands as a formidable choice for U.S. drivers routinely contending with severe winter conditions and who are within regions permitting studded tire utilization. Its stellar performance across varied road conditions guarantees a secured and exhilarating winter drive. Additionally, the tire’s avant-garde stud technology curtails noise, ensuring maximum comfort. In essence, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 10 represents the zenith in studded winter tire technology, epitomizing unmatched performance.

Check our head to head comparison of Hakkapeliitta 10 against its competitors.

Hakkapeliitta 10 vs


2. Michelin X Ice North 4

Michelin X Ice North 4

Introduced in 2018, the Michelin X-Ice North 4 marks a pivotal moment in the studded winter tire industry, blending top-tier performance with pioneering road preservation technology. This state-of-the-art tire is adorned with an impressive 250 studs, a remarkable figure specifically crafted to optimize traction on icy and snow-laden roads. In spite of its abundant studs, the X-Ice North 4 is meticulously designed to meet road wear standards, ensuring that enhanced grip doesn’t compromise road longevity.


The X-Ice North 4 excels across snowy and dry terrains, emerging as a prime choice for U.S. drivers transitioning through varied winter landscapes. Furthermore, this tire distinguishes itself with its sound management and fuel conservation attributes, ensuring a tranquil and cost-effective commute even amidst rigorous winter climates. Given its studded nature, the X-Ice North 4 adheres to specific regional stipulations. For instance, in the U.S., each state has its own guidelines regarding studded tire usage, and motorists are advised to acquaint themselves with these rules prior to committing to a studded tire alternative.

To sum up, the Michelin X-Ice North 4 epitomizes the zenith in studded winter tire technology, masterfully harmonizing performance, comfort, fuel-efficiency, and road conservation. Boasting its prolific stud count while steadfastly pledging to curb road damage, the X-Ice North 4 emerges as a groundbreaking and conscientious option for drivers navigating demanding winter landscapes.

Check our head to head comparison of X Ice North 4 against its competitors.

X Ice North 4 vs


3. General Altimax Arctic 12

General Altimax Arctic 12

Introducing the General Altimax Arctic 12: A Dynamic, Studdable Winter Tire Delivering Affordability and Adaptability. Say hello to the General Altimax Arctic 12, a distinctive winter tire that effortlessly bridges the gap between studdable traction enhancement and smooth performance sans studs. Unveiled in 2016, this tire furnishes drivers with the liberty to tailor their choice based on unique driving circumstances and prevailing local stipulations, serving as a multifaceted answer to winter road hurdles.

The General Altimax Arctic 12 is ingeniously crafted to host studs when deemed necessary, a trait rendering it a top pick for motorists hailing from locales beset by intense winter climes. Should conditions or mandates evolve, the studs can be effortlessly extracted, bestowing a degree of versatility seldom seen in the winter tire domain. As a word of caution, drivers are advised to stay abreast of local guidelines pertaining to studded tire deployment.

Beyond its adaptative nature, the General Altimax Arctic 12 carves a niche for itself within the cost-effective bracket. Contrary to its wallet-friendly tag, it guarantees steadfast performance amidst winter’s wrath coupled with a serene journey, emerging as a prime candidate for cost-savvy consumers reluctant to trade off safety or ease.

To encapsulate, the General Altimax Arctic 12 is a dynamic, studdable winter tire encapsulating a rare fusion of modifiability, efficacy, and economic value. Be it treading through gentle winter drizzles or braving treacherous ice and snowscapes, this tire pledges the agility to mould itself around your prerequisites, all the while extending unmatched bang for your buck.

Check our head to head comparison of Altimax Arctic 12 against its competitors.

Altimax Arctic 12 vs


Middle European Winter tires

1. Bridgestone Blizzak LM005

Bridgestone Blizzak LM005

The Bridgestone Blizzak LM005 emerges as a high-caliber winter tire, meticulously crafted for traversing through snow-blanketed and icy terrains. Locked in a keen contest with Continental’s TS860, the dueling prowess of these two giants has ignited a passionate rivalry in the tire realm. What grants the Blizzak LM005 its distinctive edge is its innovative 3D sipe blueprint. This design accentuates the number of biting facets on the tire’s tread, endowing it with unparalleled tenacity on ice-glazed roadways.

Incorporated into the tire is a bespoke rubber concoction that retains its pliability even in the face of plummeting temperatures. This ensures the tire’s steadfast grip even during the harshest cold snaps. Complementing these features, the Blizzak LM005 boasts commendable resistance to hydroplaning, coupled with stellar braking responsiveness across slush-ridden, snowy, and rain-soaked avenues. A snapshot of its accolades from prominent press tests includes:


Gauging from these evaluations, the Blizzak LM005 shines in domains like wet braking and snow maneuverability—two paramount facets for a quintessential middle European tire. Nevertheless, its Achilles’ heel appears to be its wear longevity, indicative of a compromise made to optimize its exemplary wet attributes. Another feather in its cap is Bridgestone’s time-honored reputation for excellence and safety. Having steered the tire industry’s course for generations, Bridgestone remains unwavering in its pledge to curate top-tier products resonating with contemporary vehicular demands.

Summarizing, the Bridgestone Blizzak LM005 reigns supreme as the crème de la crème of middle European tires, courtesy of its avant-garde technology and matchless prowess amidst snowy and rain-laden settings. Touting a remarkable track record of clinching victory in 13 out of 35 evaluations, it rightfully claims the throne amongst its middle European winter tire counterparts.

Check out our head to head comparison of Blizzak LM005 against its competitors.

Blizzak LM005


2. Continental WinterContact TS 870

Continental WinterContact TS 870

The Continental WinterContact TS 870 is a premium winter tire crafted specifically for snowy and icy terrains. Positioned as a formidable contender to Bridgestone’s Blizzak LM005, an intense rivalry has ignited between these two stalwarts. One distinguishing characteristic of the WinterContact TS 870 that grants it an edge over its adversaries is its state-of-the-art tread pattern, adeptly designed to provide unmatched grip on ice-covered roadways.

Embedded within this tire is an advanced rubber formula that retains suppleness even during frigid conditions, ensuring relentless adherence even when the mercury dips. Augmenting its attributes, the WinterContact TS 870 showcases formidable resistance to hydroplaning, complemented by top-tier braking agility on slushy, snowy, and rain-drenched surfaces. Delving into its accolades, here are some standout victories from press tests:


Drawing insights from these assessments, the WinterContact TS 870 shines exceptionally in wet and snowy scenarios—central facets for an archetypical middle European tire. Continental, the brainchild behind this masterpiece, boasts an illustrious legacy rooted in tire manufacturing. Their unwavering dedication to churning out products of supreme caliber that resonate with the evolving demands of today’s drivers is another testament to the WinterContact TS 870’s superiority.

In a nutshell, launched in 2021 and clinching 5 out of 10 press test victories, the Continental WinterContact TS 870 emerges as the pinnacle of middle European tires. With its cutting-edge innovations and unparalleled prowess amidst snowy and wet environments, it stands unrivaled in the winter tire realm of middle Europe.

Check out our head to head comparison of WinterContact TS 870 against its competitors.

WinterContact TS 870


In Conclusion: Choosing the Perfect Winter Tire for Diverse Conditions

Navigating diverse and frequently challenging winter conditions requires a tire that offers unparalleled performance, safety, and versatility. Whether your preference leans toward the studless design, such as the Continental Viking Contact 7, Michelin X-Ice Snow, Bridgestone Blizzak WS90, and Nokian Hakkapeliitta R5, the Middle European tire design like the Bridgestone Blizzak LM005 and Continental WinterContact TS 870, or the studded capabilities of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 10, Michelin X-Ice North 4, and General Altimax Arctic 12, each of these tire categories boasts distinctive advantages worth consideration.

For regions with milder winter conditions or a mix of wet and icy roads, the Middle European tire designs might be the best fit. These tires are crafted to provide a balance of performance on both snowy and wet surfaces. However, in areas prone to extreme cold and significant snowfall, studded or snow/studless tires can offer the additional grip needed to navigate safely.

The Viking Contact 7 and X-Ice Snow lead the pack in the studless category, known for their superior ice and snow traction. The Blizzak WS90 stands out for its performance on wet terrains, making it a well-rounded option. On the other hand, Middle European tire designs like the Bridgestone Blizzak LM005 and Continental WinterContact TS 870 are engineered for optimal balance between snow and wet performance, combined with wear resistance.

In the studded segment, the Hakkapeliitta 10 is a top performer, showcasing its adaptability across various conditions. The Michelin X-Ice North 4, equipped with an impressive array of 250 studs, promises exceptional traction without compromising road integrity. The General Altimax Arctic 12 offers flexibility and value, allowing drivers the option to include or forgo studs as per their requirements.

Ultimately, your choice of winter tire will depend on specific driving conditions, preferences, and regional regulations. It’s crucial to align your selection with the typical winter challenges of your area. Carefully weigh the strengths and limitations of each tire type to identify the ideal fit for your needs. Safety should always take precedence when choosing a winter tire. So, select thoughtfully and ensure a secure and confident drive throughout the upcoming winter season.

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